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Monday, August 3, 2009

More KRDK Spoilers! GAH!

OK, so Ep25 aired in Brazil today, and we have some interesting development:

Kase and Len are boyfriend and girlfriend and they kiss / make-out. (Nothing like Venturian love, right?)

Axe is Vented by Strike.

Xaviax summons KR Wrath to Vent Dragon Knight.

Lacey confesses that she gave Michelle the Riders information to Maya and Trent.

Ep26... Wrath and Strike go after Maya and Kit is arrested.


  1. I knew Len and Kase were a couple!Ventarian love,hahaha! -- Strike and Wrath after Maya?Kinda like my dream except Wrath wasn't in it.Kit getting arrested? Uh-oh... ~Love&kisses,CHiCA Kosaka

  2. DK09 how do you find out about all these stuff.


Thanks for Posting!