Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Power Rangers RPM Episodes 29-30 Titles and Spoilers
Episode 29: "If Venjix Won" -- 12/19/09
Ziggy accidentally teleports him and Dr. K into a cave! The rangers need to find out the password to Dr. K’s system in order to get them out of the cave. Their failed attempts trigger a time capsule video that Dr. K compiled should they fail to destroy Venjix. The rangers watch in horror as they figure out what the password might be before its too late.
Episode 30. "End Game" -- 12/19/09
Venjix’s end game is about to reveal itself. Every attack bot has been a calculating step closer to his plan. The city is filled with hybrids just like Dillon. Venjix is going to activate them all and Corinth will be brought down.
-- Power Rangers: RPM will end the day after Christmas :(
Friday, October 23, 2009
KRDK Poll Results / KRDK Ep30-32 SPOILERS!
25 Votes = 78% said that you LOVE Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
Good news is that NONE of you HATE Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
1 Vote = 3% said that you think Kamen Rider Dragon Knight it's OK
6 Votes = 18% said that you think Kamen Rider Dragon Knight is Good.
So thank you for Voting! ....Now for the Spoilers! dun dun DUN! :)
Spoiler Warning!!!
Spoiler Warning!!!
Spoiler Warning!!!
Spoiler Warning!!!
Ep30: "Swan Song" -- Strike creates a hybrid monster. This is most likely Genocider! All though, Kamen Rider Siren will be Vented in Episode 30! :(
Ep31: "Xaviax's Wrath" -- Wing Knight tries to avenge Kase!
Ep32: "Advent Master Returns" -- Xaviax places teleporters all over the planet!
Kamen Riders: Defenders of KamenConnection! Click on the Promo Pic to read the story!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
KamenConnection Fans Interview with Kathy Christopherson (Michelle Walsh)
Click on the link below to submit your Questions!
Kathy Christopherson Interview Page
Saturday, October 17, 2009
R.I.P Patches
Today I had my gorgeous wonderful friend / pet / taken away from me. My cat Patches was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer in her intestines on March 14th, 2009. It is the worst kind of cancer anyone could have and my precious had to get it! So today we decided to put her down.
She fought so hard and she couldn't fight anymore. I was in the room with her with my mom and I lost it. I know that I didn't say goodbye to her because it was too hard for me to even say that knowing that I would lose her forever! She sometimes was the only reason why I'd wake up and now knowing that she is with God, I'll never see her again. I'll never wake up in the morning and find her downstairs walking around, playing, laying on my lap while I eat breakfast.
I know I didn't say my proper goodbyes to her, and she deserved it. I feel so guilty running out of that room when they stuck the needle in her to be put to sleep. So I am doing it now, hoping that she'll know that I love her and what I did in there wasn't because I hated her. I did it because I love her so much and that I couldn't see her die in front of me. I know that I'd do something that I would regret if I saw her die.
Patches, you taught me to love and to care and to not be selfish. I know that I did some bad things to you when I was younger and I wish that I could take it back. I wish that I could take back everytime I hit you when you did something bad. I wish I could take back it all and just love you till the end of time. I am so upset right now, Patches, that I don't know what to do without you. Please, just come back to me, anyway that you can so I know that you are alright in heaven.
I love you and you should never forget that. Everything I ever did to and for you is because I love you and I always will. You will always be in my mind forever and ever and you will never ever be replaced in my heart as long as I live.
I know that it will be sometime before we meet again in heaven but I need you to be strong and good up there. I need you to be good and be with God and please, just never forget me, never forget me and mom and dad and anyone else who loves you.
I can't believe it, that you are out of my life. I never thought this day would come and I hate it! I hate it that you are gone from me! I hate it that I will never see your precious face again. I hate it that I will never take you outside and watch you roll in the grass, and I hate that I will never hear your meow ever again! Please, don't leave me, I don't want to face this world sometimes without you! Just please, please come back to me even for a little while, just so I know that you are OK and that I can finally say goodbye to you!
Patches, I love you. Never forget that, sweetie! Forever and ever you will always be in my heart! I love you.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Pic of The Day!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Toys Released
Bandai did announce that they will only be making 15 MMPR Action Figures.
NOTE: Bandai will be making the MMPR Toys 4" NOT 5"!
5" Red Ranger
5" Blue Ranger
5" Black Ranger
5" Yellow Ranger
5" Pink Ranger
5" Goldar
5" Putty Patrol
5" Alpha and Zordon
5" Super Legends Red Zero Power Ranger
5"Retrofire SPD Delta Squad Megazord
5" Retrofire Zeo Megazord
5" Retrofire Jungle Fury Jungle Pride Megazord
5" Retrofire Mighty Morphin Dino Megazord
Deluxe Megazord (Mighty Morphin Megazord)
Deluxe Weapon (Dragon Daggers)
There are lot's of toys that have been listed but I am to lazy to post every single toy. But Bandai will release Morphers, Motorcycles, and something new "Mix and Morph." It says that there will be Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger w/ Jungle Pride; Mercury Ranger w/ DriveMax Megazord; Mystic Force Yellow w/ Titan Megazord, MM Pink w/ her zord and MM Red w/ his zord.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
More Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Toys Confirmed!
4" Kamen Rider Siren -- (February 2010)
4" General Xaviax
4" Kamen Rider Axe
4" Kamen Rider Spear
4" Kamen Rider Thrust
4" Kamen Rider Wrath
Blancwing with Siren
Metalgelas with Thrust
Evildiver with Chris
Destwilder with Chris
4" Wing Knight (Survive Form)
4" Dragon Knight (Survive Form)
Kamen Rider Strike and Sting Cycle
Survive Form (Wing Knight and Dragon Knight) Cycles
Friday, October 9, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight "Ryuki" Pics
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
KR: DOKC Chap22 Sneak Peek "The Confined Dragon"
Maya is sitting in the waiting room at the Gramercy Heights Hospital when Len and Drew walk in and head towards Kit’s room when Maya stops them and says that there aren’t any visitors allowed at the moment. Len asks who she
Monday, October 5, 2009
New Blog!
Don't worry I will still continue to update this blog of course!
The site is under construction, so it looks bland at the moment:
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mark Dacascos - Dancing With The Stars (Dances 1-3)
Mark Dacascos - Dancing With The Stars (Dance 02)
Mark Dacascos - Dancing With The Stars (Dance 03)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
More Mighty Morphin Power Ranger News!!!
Disney will re-master and re-edit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that will return to abc Kids. (Possible Air Date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2010). Disney will edit out the famous "buildings exploding" and some of the violence. They are also giving it a whole new Theme Song and Opening Credits, since Saban still owns the rights to show and music.
Pictures of the MMPR Toys have been released by Bandai.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Returns to TV -- CONFIRMED!
(CYPRESS, CA – October 1, 2009) – Go! Go! Get your Power Morphers – it’s Morphin’ time! Bandai America will bring the best-selling Power Rangers toy line back to its intergalactic, prehistoric roots with the “five teenagers with attitude” that started it all in a new collection of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys. The inaugural and most recognizable of 15 Power Rangers themes, this powered up Mighty Morphin line will feature both fresh and nostalgic play and collection experiences. Including action figures, vehicles, Megazords and role-play items aligned with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series premiering Saturday mornings January, 2010 on ABC Kids; the highly anticipated toys will begin to arrive at retail by the end of this year.
As the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers took over the air waves – and your brain waves – in 1993 they made an unforgettable impact on pop culture. Showing that heroes come in every color, teamwork conquers all, and girls really can rule (unfortunately for good and evil), they took entertainment and play-time by storm. With three TV seasons, a motion picture and thousands of toys, the Power Rangers have spent 17 straight years in the top ten best-selling boys’ action figure brands in the US according to The NPD Group.
“The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers captivated the country in 1993, and many kids who played with the toys now have children of their own,” said Tim Wills Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, of Bandai America Incorporated, “Families can experience their ‘morphin’ time’ once again as a whole new generation of kids are introduced to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys.”
“I’m tickled pink to have had the opportunity to be a part of this juggernaut children’s action series and brand,” says Paul Schrier, former Mighty Morphin actor and director, “The good-natured humor and strong messages of teamwork and friendship really hit home with audiences everywhere and I can’t wait to see what’s next from this fountain of heroic action!”