Wednesday, December 30, 2009
So be sure to check out the blog for the new Chapters every Saturday Night!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My Thoughts on Power Rangers RPM
Like every Disney season of Power Rangers, there are dull spots in episodes and this is no exception. Some episodes bored me to tears like the Rangers history episodes, it was nice but to me, it was just too annoying. They could have done a lot of useful things instead of recapping the Rangers lives. Everyone's acting was PERFECT in RPM. It's sometimes rare to see that in a Power Ranger season *cough Overdrive cough*
The finale was awesome! I loved every minute of it. I loved when Venjix trashed the base, Dr. K and Ziggy's love for each other, Kilobyte being destroyed (YES!). It was quite obvious that Tenaya and Dillion would be healed so that was not surprising. Gem and Gemma being deleted was kinda ick-ish but at least they returned and oh yea, blew up the freakin control tower with people inside! Venjix being destroyed was OK. I loved the CGI effects of the tower crashing down.
The ending with Summer, Dillion and Tenaya did make me tear when they saw mother nature rebuilding itself and when the screen faded to black, I just remembered all the good times of Power Rangers through the years.
Anyways, I gotta give RPM a 9 outta 10. 9 because of the "history" episodes and some parts of the finale really did bore me, just a little part.
It was nice knowing you, Rangers!
Monday, December 28, 2009
My Thoughts on Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
At first, I really hated Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. I found it boring and unappealing and ick-ish but then Episode 6 aired and everything changed. I don't know why but Episode 6 really caught my attention and I decided to give the show one last chance. Luckly, every episode after Episode 6 caught my attention and I soon fell in love with KRDK.
I loved the chemistry between some people in Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. I loved Maya and Kit's friendship, I loved how Len hated Kit, but then befriended him and became his best friend, and Len and Kase's relationship was very interesting. Everyone's acting was spot on, especially William O'Leary (Xaviax). He portrayed Xaviax really well.
The finale (Ep38-39) was AMAZING! The action was perfect, the acting was perfect just everything was spot on. Link Vent was awesome too! I loved how all the Kamen Riders came together and defeated Xaviax. I kinda teared up a bit when Xaviax was destroyed, (maybe because I was sad that KRDK was ending?)
Episode 40 was a clip show but I loved the ending and the ending transformation. I really wanted Kit and Maya to become a couple, I don't like the Price and Maya pairing. It feels really weird. I think Kit should have been in that elevator, not Price :) LOL.
Anyways, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight has ended and my rating for KRDK would have to be a 9 outta 10. I picked 9 outta 10 because of the first 5 episodes, I really didn't like those and the Price and Maya pairing.
Tomorrow, I'll post my thoughts on the RPM Finale :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!
So this morning was interesting, I went over my bro's house with my mom, dad and sister and hung out with my bro, sister-in-law, and my niece and nephew. We had lots of fun, especially me, Alexa and Jack. We drew X-Mas Pictures, we had tons and tons of Dunkin Donuts, I had like 7 cups of coffee (I'm hyper at the moment), and we opened gifts and sang on the karokee.
Anways, enough about me. Leave a comment on this post and let me know what YOU got for X-Mas? And here's my gift to all of you!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
KRDK Poll Results / RPM Returned / KRDK Ep39-40 News
0% are happy that KRDK was canceled, which is a good thing.
54% are deeply horrified about the cancelation, (I voted for that one).
20% don't care.
LOL, and 25% of you will you cry yourselves to sleep for the next year :)
So thank you for Voting!
OK, RPM returned yesterday and from what I saw, which was not much, Episode 30 was awesome! Episode 29 I heard was just a clip show =\. I don't really like clip shows, but oh well.
Remember the season finale of RPM is next saturday! (December 26th, 2009) on abc kids!
The CW4Kids website has all the episodes of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight posted. So if haven't seen the ending of KRDK, then here's your chance. Remember, to sign that petition on the top of my website, so KRDK can get the ending it deserves!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight has been..........CANCELED!
Lots of people are not surprised by this horrible move. CW4Kids has a reputation of canceling shows during mid-season. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for example have suffered the same fate. There is a rumor that the final 2 episodes of KRDK will air on the CW4Kids website.
Yes this sucks. Yes I am severely pissed. Nice knowing you Dragon Knight. Into the Advent Void ya go :(
Also remember to vote on the NEW Poll!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
What's on my mind....
Today was a good, I was off from school today so I went Christmas Shopping with mom. I went to Toys R Us. They didn't have one single Power Ranger or Kamen Rider Dragon Knight toy. All there were were empty pegs :( But we did buy tons of stuff for my niece and nephew.
Then we went to the food store to buy food because there was NOTHING to eat this morning! So I had to have oatmeal :(
Tomorrow, I go back to school. I think I have swimming classes tomorrow for gym! I hate doing that. It's for 5 friggin' weeks. The Christmas Concert is tomorrow too, so classes are cut in half which is a good thing. Tomorrow is gunna rain like hell! (I also heard snow! I hope!)
I go back to my one handed tutor tomorrow. I hate going there. It sucks and his house smells. I think I have detention tomorrow too but I keep putting it off and not showing up, so every teacher is out to get me. I am so tired of being pulled outta class to talk to people. But the detention is retarded. I got detention for "leaving lunch without permission!" What the hell?!?
Anyways, Christmas is around the corner..... That's a good thing. Oh wait....Exams start next Friday! NOOOOOOOOOO! But.......I do get out extremely early! YAY!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tenso Sentai Goseijer!

I don't usually post about Super Sentai on the blog, but I think these Rangers and the storyline are pretty cool, so I decided to post this pic.
These remind me of the Operation Overdrive Rangers, the design does not the concept. It also reminds me of a little bit of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight because I heard that they will be using Cards to summon attacks and stuff.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Episode 34 "Back in Black" Summary

Len, Pryce and Chance locate a transmitter in Ventara South America. Len installs the virus into Xaviax's transmitter, disabling it. In the Advent Void, Eubulon is with Kase and Kit.
Len, Pyrce and Chance are attacked by Larva Minions and transform into Riders. Kamen Rider Onyx arrives and helps the others out. The Riders destroy all the Larva Minions and Onyx reveals himself as Kit. Chance and Pyrce introduce themselves to Kit. Len tells Kit that Adam is back and has the Dragon Deck. Kit flashes back to when he recieved the Onyx Deck.
Flashback: Kit and Kase roll out of the Advent Void with Eubulon. Eubulon tells Kit that Len is in danger and hands Kit the Onyx Deck. Kit refuses to take the Deck because of his previous nightmares. Kase tells Kit that Eubulon's not lying and that Len needs him. Kit takes the Deck and transforms into Onyx.
Chance tells Kit that all Riders have nightmares. Pryce tells Kit that it's the rage of the Contract Beast trying to impose it's will on him. Len runs to see Kase. Xaviax cloacks the transmitters. Xaviax tells Adam that he better steal the virus from the others, so he can decode it. Xaviax tells him that maybe helping a damsel in distress will help him.
The Riders return to base where Trent and Kit have an awkward moment. Len runs over to see Kase. Eubulon is repairing his Advent Deck in Kase's room. Len and Kase talk. Eubulon senses that Maya is in trouble. Len tells Kit that Eubulon gave Maya the Siren Deck and that she's a Kamen Rider now. Kit goes to help Maya.
Siren is battling Larva Minions when Dragon Knight arrives. Siren uses her Final Vent and Vents the Larva Minions. Siren tells Dragon Knight to stay away from her. Maya and Adam power down. Kit explains to Maya that he's not here to fight her. Maya calls him a liar when Kit arrives. Adam tells Kit that he wants to make things right. The two argue and transform into Kamen Riders and battle. Eubulon hears Maya's scream and rushes over to stop the battle.
Dragon Knight loses to Onyx. Onyx is ready to Vent Dragon Knight when Eubulon arrives and stops the battle. Eubulon lectures Kit about Venting Adam. Eubulon asks Adam if he really wants to join them. Adam tells him yes.
Maya, Kit, Eubulon and Adam return to base where the others are not pleased.
Friday, November 27, 2009
KR: DOKC Season Finale Tomorrow Night!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Again, Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Stephen Lunsford Attacked! / KRDK Poll Results / DOKC Season Finale!
Lunsfuhd: Overheard shouting at gas station. Man yelling at woman. Tried to diffuse the situation. Got into fist fight with a guy 2x my size.
Lunsfuhd: Took hits. Gave hits. Got him to calm down. Told him to walk away. Finally got help from witnesses. Called cops for woman. Chivelry is dead?
Lunsfuhd: I'm okay all, just a little bruised and bloody.
Here are the latest poll results concerning the new Kamen Rider Siren!
0% said that you hate the idea that Maya is Siren.
6% said that you love the idea that Maya is Siren.
62% said that you think that Kase is the better Siren.
21% said that you think that Maya is the better Siren.
I myself have to say that I think that Kase is the better Siren.
So last night, I released DOKC29 and I got lots of good reviews and comments on it and I am really happy about that! But the season finale is gunna be off the hook! I can't wait for you all to read it!
Read Kamen Riders: Defenders of KamenConnection here! Don't be afraid to comment!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Today is......My Birthday
Hey everyone! Ok, so today is my 15th Birthday! wOOt! I am not doing anything with the family tonight because I am depressed, (Don't know why, just am) and Thanksgiving is in 1 week, so I am just gunna combine my Birthday and Thanksgiving. We are going to Long Island to this nice country club for Thanksgiving! Sounds like it's gunna be fun!
Ok, so nothing really happened today in school, I didn't tell anyone that it was my Birthday because I don't wanna make a big deal about it. Well I'm gunna shut up now and have some Birthday Cake!
--Wow! My 100th Post!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Poll Results / DK09's Exclusive MV
So 4 of you felt that the Venting of Dragon Knight was totally predictable!
8 of you were amazed that Dragon Knight was Vented!
LOL, 9 of you cried in disbelief!
and the winner, with 16 votes was, "I couldn't move for an hour!"
So thank you for Voting and remember to vote on the new Poll for the week!
Also, make sure that you watch my Exclusive Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Music Video because it will be removed tomorrow morning! Here's the link.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Episode 33 Spoilers
So the Riders that are returning in Episode 33 is.....
"Kamen Rider Torque"
"Kamen Rider Strike"
"Kamen Rider Axe"
Maya is in the new Kamen Rider Siren too, so don't forget that!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Twitter Poll Results / RPM Ep31-32 Summaries and Spoilers / Kathy Interview Relased / Tony Moras (KR Incisor) Fan Interview
So, it's a tie. 5 of you Voted saying that you have a twitter and 5 of you Voted saying you DON'T have a twitter!
So, for the people that DO have a twitter, all I ask is if you please follow Kamen Riders: Defenders of KamenConnection on Twitter. Here's the link!
The Final two Episode of Power Rangers: R.P.M. Summaries have been released and does contain Spoilers! So, you've been warned!
Episode 31: Danger and Destiny Part 1 -- 12/26/09
The magnetic blast goes off and all electricity goes out in Corinth. Venjix activates the hybrids and the city is his. The rangers battle an attack bot but they keep losing rangers. Venjix deletes Gem & Gemma. Dillon struggles with being activated as a hybrid. And Ziggy runs to save Dr. K. This may be the end of Corinth.
Episode 32: Danger and Destiny Part 2 -- 12/26/09
In order to defeat Venjix, another virus will have to be inserted into his system. The rangers have Tenaya walk back into enemy lines to insert the virus. Meanwhile the rangers have to hold up against Venjix in a fight. Dr. K is able to reverse Venjix's deletion of the Gold & Silver Rangers. Reunited they attack Venjix in his weakened state. Venjix is defeated and the war is over.
Kathy Christopherson (Michelle Walsh) answered the fans questions! The Interview can be read here!
A New Interview is coming! Tony Moras (Richie Preston / Kamen Rider Incisor) will be answering your questions on KamenConnection! Submit your Questions here!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Power Rangers RPM Episodes 29-30 Titles and Spoilers
Episode 29: "If Venjix Won" -- 12/19/09
Ziggy accidentally teleports him and Dr. K into a cave! The rangers need to find out the password to Dr. K’s system in order to get them out of the cave. Their failed attempts trigger a time capsule video that Dr. K compiled should they fail to destroy Venjix. The rangers watch in horror as they figure out what the password might be before its too late.
Episode 30. "End Game" -- 12/19/09
Venjix’s end game is about to reveal itself. Every attack bot has been a calculating step closer to his plan. The city is filled with hybrids just like Dillon. Venjix is going to activate them all and Corinth will be brought down.
-- Power Rangers: RPM will end the day after Christmas :(
Friday, October 23, 2009
KRDK Poll Results / KRDK Ep30-32 SPOILERS!
25 Votes = 78% said that you LOVE Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
Good news is that NONE of you HATE Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
1 Vote = 3% said that you think Kamen Rider Dragon Knight it's OK
6 Votes = 18% said that you think Kamen Rider Dragon Knight is Good.
So thank you for Voting! ....Now for the Spoilers! dun dun DUN! :)
Spoiler Warning!!!
Spoiler Warning!!!
Spoiler Warning!!!
Spoiler Warning!!!
Ep30: "Swan Song" -- Strike creates a hybrid monster. This is most likely Genocider! All though, Kamen Rider Siren will be Vented in Episode 30! :(
Ep31: "Xaviax's Wrath" -- Wing Knight tries to avenge Kase!
Ep32: "Advent Master Returns" -- Xaviax places teleporters all over the planet!
Kamen Riders: Defenders of KamenConnection! Click on the Promo Pic to read the story!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
KamenConnection Fans Interview with Kathy Christopherson (Michelle Walsh)
Click on the link below to submit your Questions!
Kathy Christopherson Interview Page
Saturday, October 17, 2009
R.I.P Patches
Today I had my gorgeous wonderful friend / pet / taken away from me. My cat Patches was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer in her intestines on March 14th, 2009. It is the worst kind of cancer anyone could have and my precious had to get it! So today we decided to put her down.
She fought so hard and she couldn't fight anymore. I was in the room with her with my mom and I lost it. I know that I didn't say goodbye to her because it was too hard for me to even say that knowing that I would lose her forever! She sometimes was the only reason why I'd wake up and now knowing that she is with God, I'll never see her again. I'll never wake up in the morning and find her downstairs walking around, playing, laying on my lap while I eat breakfast.
I know I didn't say my proper goodbyes to her, and she deserved it. I feel so guilty running out of that room when they stuck the needle in her to be put to sleep. So I am doing it now, hoping that she'll know that I love her and what I did in there wasn't because I hated her. I did it because I love her so much and that I couldn't see her die in front of me. I know that I'd do something that I would regret if I saw her die.
Patches, you taught me to love and to care and to not be selfish. I know that I did some bad things to you when I was younger and I wish that I could take it back. I wish that I could take back everytime I hit you when you did something bad. I wish I could take back it all and just love you till the end of time. I am so upset right now, Patches, that I don't know what to do without you. Please, just come back to me, anyway that you can so I know that you are alright in heaven.
I love you and you should never forget that. Everything I ever did to and for you is because I love you and I always will. You will always be in my mind forever and ever and you will never ever be replaced in my heart as long as I live.
I know that it will be sometime before we meet again in heaven but I need you to be strong and good up there. I need you to be good and be with God and please, just never forget me, never forget me and mom and dad and anyone else who loves you.
I can't believe it, that you are out of my life. I never thought this day would come and I hate it! I hate it that you are gone from me! I hate it that I will never see your precious face again. I hate it that I will never take you outside and watch you roll in the grass, and I hate that I will never hear your meow ever again! Please, don't leave me, I don't want to face this world sometimes without you! Just please, please come back to me even for a little while, just so I know that you are OK and that I can finally say goodbye to you!
Patches, I love you. Never forget that, sweetie! Forever and ever you will always be in my heart! I love you.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Pic of The Day!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Toys Released
Bandai did announce that they will only be making 15 MMPR Action Figures.
NOTE: Bandai will be making the MMPR Toys 4" NOT 5"!
5" Red Ranger
5" Blue Ranger
5" Black Ranger
5" Yellow Ranger
5" Pink Ranger
5" Goldar
5" Putty Patrol
5" Alpha and Zordon
5" Super Legends Red Zero Power Ranger
5"Retrofire SPD Delta Squad Megazord
5" Retrofire Zeo Megazord
5" Retrofire Jungle Fury Jungle Pride Megazord
5" Retrofire Mighty Morphin Dino Megazord
Deluxe Megazord (Mighty Morphin Megazord)
Deluxe Weapon (Dragon Daggers)
There are lot's of toys that have been listed but I am to lazy to post every single toy. But Bandai will release Morphers, Motorcycles, and something new "Mix and Morph." It says that there will be Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger w/ Jungle Pride; Mercury Ranger w/ DriveMax Megazord; Mystic Force Yellow w/ Titan Megazord, MM Pink w/ her zord and MM Red w/ his zord.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
More Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Toys Confirmed!
4" Kamen Rider Siren -- (February 2010)
4" General Xaviax
4" Kamen Rider Axe
4" Kamen Rider Spear
4" Kamen Rider Thrust
4" Kamen Rider Wrath
Blancwing with Siren
Metalgelas with Thrust
Evildiver with Chris
Destwilder with Chris
4" Wing Knight (Survive Form)
4" Dragon Knight (Survive Form)
Kamen Rider Strike and Sting Cycle
Survive Form (Wing Knight and Dragon Knight) Cycles
Friday, October 9, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight "Ryuki" Pics
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
KR: DOKC Chap22 Sneak Peek "The Confined Dragon"
Maya is sitting in the waiting room at the Gramercy Heights Hospital when Len and Drew walk in and head towards Kit’s room when Maya stops them and says that there aren’t any visitors allowed at the moment. Len asks who she
Monday, October 5, 2009
New Blog!
Don't worry I will still continue to update this blog of course!
The site is under construction, so it looks bland at the moment:
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mark Dacascos - Dancing With The Stars (Dances 1-3)
Mark Dacascos - Dancing With The Stars (Dance 02)
Mark Dacascos - Dancing With The Stars (Dance 03)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
More Mighty Morphin Power Ranger News!!!
Disney will re-master and re-edit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that will return to abc Kids. (Possible Air Date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2010). Disney will edit out the famous "buildings exploding" and some of the violence. They are also giving it a whole new Theme Song and Opening Credits, since Saban still owns the rights to show and music.
Pictures of the MMPR Toys have been released by Bandai.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Returns to TV -- CONFIRMED!
(CYPRESS, CA – October 1, 2009) – Go! Go! Get your Power Morphers – it’s Morphin’ time! Bandai America will bring the best-selling Power Rangers toy line back to its intergalactic, prehistoric roots with the “five teenagers with attitude” that started it all in a new collection of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys. The inaugural and most recognizable of 15 Power Rangers themes, this powered up Mighty Morphin line will feature both fresh and nostalgic play and collection experiences. Including action figures, vehicles, Megazords and role-play items aligned with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series premiering Saturday mornings January, 2010 on ABC Kids; the highly anticipated toys will begin to arrive at retail by the end of this year.
As the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers took over the air waves – and your brain waves – in 1993 they made an unforgettable impact on pop culture. Showing that heroes come in every color, teamwork conquers all, and girls really can rule (unfortunately for good and evil), they took entertainment and play-time by storm. With three TV seasons, a motion picture and thousands of toys, the Power Rangers have spent 17 straight years in the top ten best-selling boys’ action figure brands in the US according to The NPD Group.
“The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers captivated the country in 1993, and many kids who played with the toys now have children of their own,” said Tim Wills Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, of Bandai America Incorporated, “Families can experience their ‘morphin’ time’ once again as a whole new generation of kids are introduced to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys.”
“I’m tickled pink to have had the opportunity to be a part of this juggernaut children’s action series and brand,” says Paul Schrier, former Mighty Morphin actor and director, “The good-natured humor and strong messages of teamwork and friendship really hit home with audiences everywhere and I can’t wait to see what’s next from this fountain of heroic action!”
Monday, September 28, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Ep(s) 27-40 Titles Revealed!
Episode Titles contain Spoilers!
Episode 27: Attack of the No-Men
Episode 28: The Caged Dragon
Episode 29: Calm Before the Storm
Episode 30: Swan Song
Episode 31: Xaviax's Wrath
Episode 32: Advent Master Returns
Episode 33: Out of the Void
Episode 34: Back in Black
Episode 35: A Hero's Fall
Episode 36: Dark Deception
Episode 37: The Enemy Within
Episode 38: For Ventara and Earth Pt1
Episode 39: For Ventara and Earth Pt 2
Episode 40: A Dragon's Tale
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Attention All YouTubers!
So if you have a YouTube don't be afraid to ask for a Friend Request or Subscribe to my page!
Hope to see you there!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Remember to Watch Dancing With The Stars Tonight!
Also Remember to Vote for him!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
KRDK and RPM Episodes Tomorrow / New KRDK Promo
CW4Kids has released a new Promo for Kamen Rider Dragon Knight and posted it online that looks really awesome!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight New Action Figures!
I bought my action figures a while ago, like June and trust me these toys don't disappoint.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Today, I go in for 1 hour and then leave. All I need to do is get my schedule, ID Card, and locker number and then I think I'm good. Then tomorrow, that's when the real "fun" starts. :(
So right now it's 8:28EST and I've never been up this early before. I usually sleep in until 10AM, watch TV, eat breakfast, go online while watching TV.... etc. Anyways, I need to get ready for school, so I'm gunna shut up and leave... Peace out Readers!
P.S. I'd like to give a shout out to CHiCA Kosaka, because she's in "hell" right now. :)
Orientation went OK for today. I lost my cellphone in the auditorium but I found it underneath my seat. Then I was given the wrong locker number, so I had to go searching for the correct locker, which I love. It's huge and carpeted, yea that's right CARPETED!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Z.E.R.O (Zombie Emergency Response Organization) is a new documentary series about the lives of zombie hunters and what they those lives. In the style of RENO 911 and The Office comes this story of passion, love, explosions, blood, bites, and passion.
With guest appearances by: Nick Palatas Austin Butler Josh Hutcherson Victoria Justice Chelsea Staub MATT MULLINS Rob Pinkston Matt Prokop Zoe Meyers Greer Grammer Brando Eaton Melise Jow David Lehre Tadhg Kelly With Nate Hartley.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Carrie Reichenbach KamenChat LIVE Interview Questions!
[Carrie] This is my very first Chat, I hope I'm doing this right!
[Carrie] I have an extremely sore arm from playing frisbee, (embarassing!) so I maybe typing at a minimum.
[decade187] Hey Carrie, so how's it like being a Kamen Rider?
[Carrie] Obviously, I'm not as tough as Siren. But it's great playing a Kamen Rider - Kase is very different from me.
[DK09] What was first day on set like for you?
[Carrie] My first day was great, I was extremely nervous, but the crew made me feel really welcomed. It was freezing in LA, and I was doing my very first entrance scene and they had a fan on me for effect. It was chilly but it was a lot of fun!
[mmartina] Were you surprised when you got the part of Kamen Rider Siren?
[Carrie] I was surprised when I got the part! I thought maybe they wanted someone with martial arts training, but maybe cheerleading experience counted for that!
[AllieRX87] Have you checked out your Japanese counterpart (Kamen Rider Femme) from Kamen Rider Ryuki
[Carrie] I haven't seen Kamen Rider Femme, but now that you mentioned it Allie, I'll do so tonight.
[DK410] Who'd you get a long with on set?
[Carrie] Stephen is fantastic. He makes me laugh. We got along on set. I worked mostly with him and Matt. They are both fantastic guys and I have so much respect for them.
[DK09] Did you ever ride the motorcycle in KRDK or was that a stunt double.
[Carrie] I didn't ever really ride the motorcycle, just sat on it a lot, but never when it was in motion. I think that would have led to a disaster.
[Ride] What was the last day of filming like for you?
[Carrie] The last day was surreal. I was very sad that it ended.
[CHiCA] Have you ever tried on the Siren costume?
[Carrie] I haven't tried on the Siren costume. The action unit was always shooting the same with us but shot in a different location so we didn't cross paths very often.
[DK09] I don't know if you're allowed to tell us, but how many episodes are you in?
[Carrie] I'm not sure if I can tell you how many but you'll see me for a while :)
[DK09] I think that it's great that they have Kamen Rider Siren in KRDK, it shows female empowerment, and I think that you are the perfect person to play such a character.
[Carrie] Thank you, DK09. It was an honor to play such a strong female like Kase. I have a young niece and I hope that her and other girls see how Kase gets along with the other Riders - the all treat each other the same, regardless of sex.
[DK410] Who do you think is better in martial arts, Matt Mullins or Mike Moh?
[Carrie] I haven't seen Mike perform, but I did get to see Matt film an action scene for KRDK and it was mind blowing! He's very dedicated to his art - very impressive.
[DK09] There is news that there will be a Siren action figure. Would you buy one for a keepsake?
[Carrie] You bet I'd buy a Siren action figure!
[kc1000] The e-mail on, who does the e-mails go to?
[Carrie] They go to my manager so don't send anything to crazy
[DK09] Do you have any upcoming projects?
[Carrie] The next thing that I have coming up is a web comedy series "Waxing Platonic" I'll have a link to it on my site.
[kc1000] Do you know if there were many deleted scenes?
[Carrie] I don't know about the deleted scenes. I'll be curious myself, I know a couple of scenes were deleted because they weren't deemed appropriate for kids. Other than that, we'll see what happens.
But I am going to have to go, I've had a wonderful time chatting with you all, and I really enjoyed answering your questions. I hope you love the rest of the episodes and thank you for having me. Good Night!
So there you have it, the chat was a success, no banning, no perverts hitting on her. If Carrie is reading this, I'd like to say thank you so much for answering our questions. You're truly incredible.
Chat was edited by DK09.